Stratify 1.5
What is Stratify?
Stratify - History of Changes
What is new in version 1.5?
- You may now calculate new center year values for the contexts so that the
dates are consistent with the stratigraphic relationships using a monotone
regression algorithm.
- Stratify supports HTML reports in table and form layout, the fields to be
included in the report can be selected manually or automatically based on all
non-blank field entries.
- If cycles are found in phases or periods, a list of all relations between phases
or periods respectively is shown, and after clicking on an entry in the
list the corresponding context relations will be displayed.
This helps to identify erroneous relations or phase/period assignments.
Minor improvements
- Dates for stratigraphic units without dates may be estimated based on dated
contexts and stratigraphic relationships
- Phases or periods may be set automatically depending on the entry of the
'mean year' field.
- You may now zoom in and out of the Harris diagram image.
- In the Harris diagram image you may click with the info tool on a context or group box
to get a list of all non-blank fields and their entries for the context selected.
- Some of the default values for options of the layout and check dialogue depend
on the unit data: For example 'Show groups' is activated automatically if groups
are present.
- DXF export with a new variant: texts fixed in the centre of the boxes,
allowing an easy font change in AutoCAD.
- The simulation function allows to generate dates (center year and year intervals)
for each context.
- You may now set all entries of a specific field to blank.
- If the record selections in the 'Units' and 'Relations' list views cease to work, the
Refresh menu option fixes this problem. One operation which causes this freezing
effect has been identified and corrected.
- Bug in the chain relationship dialogue window: Changes in previously entered rows
could lead to strange results - fixed
What was new in version 1.4?
- Stratify is now able to import and export CSV, DBase,
and Paradox unit files with (or without) lists of relationships.
- Digital photos and drawings can be displayed for a unit.
Minor improvements
- You may now delete a project
- In the unit table, you may now replace all blank entries in a field by a default entry.
- Search and replace of field entries in the unit table is now supported.
- JPEG format export of the Harris diagram as well as the legend is introduced.
- DXF export improved (tested with AutoCAD 14 and several other versions)
- Bug: Redundant links were not deleted on first layout but only on second - fixed
- Bug: Layout problems with equal relationships in group layout - fixed.
- Bug: Adding data sets with identical unit names and equal or contemporary relationships
lead to errors in the equal or contemporary relationships - fixed.
- Bug: Complicated cycles involving both equal and contemporary relationships
could lead to a "range check error" - fixed.
- Bug: Projection layout problems with missing coordinate data - fixed.
What was new in version 1.3?
- Stratify is now able to contract groups in the Harris diagram window,
that is you may hide the groups and contexts belonging to a group,
creating a more concise and abstract diagram.
- After contraction, you may restore the diagram with all details.
- Scalable vector graphics (*.svg) and AutoCAD (*.dxf) export of the Harris diagram
is now supported.
- You may save the legend showing thematic box style assignments as
bmp, dxf, svg, plt, mif, or wmf file.
- Several shapes are offered for displaying a context, including rounded rectangles
and several hexagon shapes.
- You may now export the Stratify data in an ANSI list format
which is the extended version of the Harris list format used in the programs
Harris and ArchEd.
Minor improvements
- In the Harris diagram you may change the colour or border style of a context
or group box by right-clicking the unit name.
- Thematic colour or border style assignments are transferred to the Harris
diagram layout created previously for the project.
- With thematic styles for a number or date field, you may preview the legend
in a similar way as for a text field.
- With MapInfo export, the colours of the group and context boxes are
converted properly.
- Some errors were fixed, including the error occuring when using term file
What was new in version 1.2?
Printing and exporting the diagram
- Stratify is now able to print the diagram directly, if the diagram does not
fit on one sheet of paper, several sheets are printed.
- HPGL export of the layout result is now supported.
Improvements of the projection layout
- Projection layout is now compatible with the normal layout, allowing to display equal
relationships and to reload a layout created previously.
- Thematic colours are supported in the projection image.
Minor improvements
- The new menu entry Save term file copy as allows you to create a copy of the
term file.
- The underlying data base tables are now managed in a more consistent way.
- When importing .lst files Stratify checks that the unit names do not contain
any illegal characters and that they do not exceed the maximum length of eight characters.
What was new in version 1.1?
Check for cycles and detecting redundant relationships
- Checking for cycles and detecting redundant relationships was speeded up,
the tests take about a fifth of the time needed before.
- Stratify is now able to list all relevant cycles, also those
including complicated combinations of equal and contemporary relationships.
- With the detailed report, for each context belonging to a cycle the number
of relationships is listed in parantheses as in the following example:
4 (relationships: 2 earlier, 1 later, 1 contemporary)
It is more likely that a context with more than one "earlier than" or "later than"
relationship has an erroneous relationship entry than a context with just one earlier
and later relationship.
- With group layout, cycles involving the deduced relationships are not only detected
but also listed in the report.
- Similarly, with the detailed report, redundant relationships which are detected
in the deduced group relationship network are listed.
Minor improvements
- Whenever Stratify issues a message, pressing F1 or the Help button
will display an appropriate help text (in most situations). The help texts
were adjusted accordingly.
- Some bugs were fixed and a few minor enhancements made.
Release of version 1.0